Documentary film about Tony Halme, masculinity and populism. The film follows how Tony Halme created a mythical, highly masculine freestyle wrestling...
Director Pauliina Punkki wants to find out what happened in Kittilä, home to 6,500 people and 12,000 reindeer? How a young, green feminist from...
In 1980, Finland’s most famous hypnotist Olavi Hakasalo, a.k.a Olliver Hawk, was put on trial. His mission in life had been to spread the...
The documentary tells the story of the political scandal caused by the book 'The Spoils of Tamminiemi' from the perspective of the journalists who...
It is parliamentary election spring 2019. Jukka, a professor from the University of Helsinki and a first time candidate, is walking to the kick-off...
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