Taking place on Kongo Bongo Island, the show focuses on Donkey Kong, the island's resident hero. Before the series' events, he was chosen as the...
In an unexpected turn of events, dull high school student Hiro Yuuki obtains the full dive role-playing game Kiwame Quest. Created by the best of...
The story centers on an RPG that people call "kusoge" ("crap-tier game," referring to games with quirky or badly implemented mechanics & design). The...
EP Daily is a daily news television show that covers movies, TV shows, comic books, collectibles and gadgets. Created and executive produced by host...
MoCap, LLC presents a dark, hysterical, behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of a low-rent motion capture studio willing to do just about...
One part Anthony Burch, one part Ashly Burch, three parts Papa Burch, four parts video games and two parts surreal humor for one Hey Ash, Whatcha...
Endo and Kobayashi love to bicker about their latest video game fixation. They think they're simply providing color commentary, but one of the game's...
Voters from 4chan's "/v/ - Video Games" board showcase the best and worst of video gaming for the year.
An ordinary office worker is reincarnated as Leon into a particularly punishing dating sim video game, where women reign supreme and only beautiful...
Ace Lightning is a children's television series co-produced by the BBC and Alliance Atlantis, which has been broadcast in the United States as well...
Good Game is a program dedicated to video gaming. Each week it is jam-packed with the latest gaming news and events, top gaming tips, reviews and...
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