Chris is a teenager growing up as the eldest of three children in Brooklyn, New York during the early 1980s. Uprooted to a new neighborhood and bused...
Crime drama series featuring Life On Mars' DCI Gene Hunt. After being shot in 2008, DI Alex Drake lands in 1981, where she finds herself in familiar...
The story of Song Yunhui, Lei Dongbao, and Yang Xun as they take part in China’s economic reform from the 1980s to the 1990s.
Former 1960s flower children Steven and Elyse Keaton raise their conservative son Alex, daughters Mallory and Jennifer, and later, youngest child...
Rainbow Brite is an American children's animated TV series that aired in Syndication from 1984 to 1985.
During the heyday of women's pro wrestling in bubble-era Japan, Dump Matsumoto bursts into the ring, shattering norms and turning the nation against...
After Li Chu Yao loses her younger brother Chu Chen to an accident, Li Luo Shu, the orphan who lives across the street, takes Chu Chen's place in the...
A Latina reporter looks back on her childhood as a chubby, willful and reluctant Dominican immigrant growing up with her eccentric family in 1980s...
Three generations of the Yan family and their deep connection to ice and snow sports.
It's 1986 - the year Maradona ends England's World Cup dreams in Mexico; the year Top Gun is the highest grossing film; the year over 3.4 million...
The story of the Herreras, a middle-class family living in Santiago of Chile. The plot is set between 1982 and 1989, in the military dictatorship,...
Follows the rise of Tooru Muranishi, one of Japan's most notorious directors of adult video. Adapted from a biography of the man, this series...
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