Regarder Rosie and Jim En ligne. Rosie and Jim was a British children's television programme produced by Ragdoll Productions which aired on CITV from 3 September 1990 to 11 December 2000.
Rosie and Jim was a British children's television programme produced by Ragdoll Productions which aired on CITV from 3 September 1990 to 11 December...
The show was hosted by Jake, a jovial polar bear, and Stinky, his skunk friend. Other main characters included Armstrong the Chicken Hawk, Ollie the...
Rosie and Jim was a British children's television programme produced by Ragdoll Productions which aired on CITV from 3 September 1990 to 11 December...
The show revolves around the lives of 8-year-old Arthur Read, an anthropomorphic aardvark, his friends and family, and their daily interactions with...
Rosie and Jim was a British children's television programme produced by Ragdoll Productions which aired on CITV from 3 September 1990 to 11 December...