The X-Men are an elite team of mutants, genetically gifted human beings with superpowers, sworn to fight for mutant rights against hostile Government...
The animated stories of Garfield the cat, Odie the dog, their owner Jon and the trouble they get into. And also Orson the Pig and his adventures on a...
The New Batman Adventures is a continuation of the acclaimed Batman: The Animated Series. Stories in this series tend to give more focus to Batman's...
When 10-year-old Ben Tennyson discovers a mysterious device, he gains the power to change into ten different alien heroes, each with uniquely awesome...
Fred and Barney Meet The Thing is a 60-minute Saturday morning animated package show produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions from September 8, 1979 to...
When four pet turtles were bathed in alien ooze, they began to mutate and became the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Raised in New York City sewers by...
The long-awaited rebirth of the greatest superhero team of all time: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, and Martian...
Bitten by an irradiated spider, teenager Peter Parker gains arachnid-like powers that make him both a hero to those in need and a vigilante wanted by...